Creamy cauliflower and potato soup with bacon

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I really suppose I should start blogging about food.. that is the reason why I started a food blog.
But trying to find the time to upload the photos and then type up the recipe.. it just takes to long..
I really don't know how people can do this so easily!! My bestie who also has a food blog has been annoying me like crazy to post something up.. hehe sorry !! But now I'm finally getting through all the stuff I've been making..

Anyways .. so this is Cauliflower Soup.. one of my work mates suggested that I should try and make it because it was one of her favourite soups.. now my fiance thinks soup is one that is chunky, more stock consistent not thick and non-chunky lol.. but I always like to broaden his mind when it comes to food.. that's why I enjoy attempting new things...

Nothing beats a home cooked meal that's for sure.. but sometimes when its just my partner and I .. i really get lazy in doing the home cooked meal thing so we always end up buying something from a home style take away store.. but on this day.. it was rainy... cold... and both of us were feeling under the weather.. so what better then to make soup...

I must say.. I always know when my boy loves a certain dish.. he'll spend the whole time eating it saying how good it is.. and its finished within seconds... so when something is not perfect taste wise for him.. he half finishes and eats something else I've made along with it..
THIS.. was one of those dishes... now it didn't taste bad what so ever.. I quite enjoyed it but it wasn't "his" style of soup.. i mean pumpkin soup.. HE LOVES.. but not so much the cauliflower soup.. i mean.. it is kind of weird .. because i don't usually eat cauliflower in general.. but i suppose you have to try it to know for future reference :) i suppose its a preferred preference.. haha.. over all it was alright.. i wouldn't say the GREATEST soup in the world.. but i guess its because i don't like cauliflower ... but you might enjoy it..

so hears the recipe taken from I LOVE THIS SITE for quick ideas for dinners.. I'm sure everyone does :)

Ingredients (serves 4)
1 tablespoon olive oil
250g 97% fat-free bacon, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 leeks, halved, washed, thinly sliced
1/4 cauliflower, trimmed, cut into small florets
500g Sebago or Desiree potatoes, peeled, diced
6 cups reduced-salt chicken stock
1/4 cup light thickened cream
toasted wholegrain bread, to serve

-Heat 2 teaspoons oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add bacon. Cook, stirring often, for 3 minutes or until crisp. Remove to a plate lined with paper towel.

-Add remaining 2 teaspoons oil, garlic and leek to pan. Cook, stirring often, over medium heat for 5 minutes. Add cauliflower, potato and stock. Partially cover. Increase heat to medium-high and bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 25 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Stir in half the bacon.

-Blend soup, in batches, until smooth. Return to saucepan over low heat. Stir in cream. Heat, without boiling, until hot. Ladle into bowls. Top with remaining bacon. Sprinkle with pepper. Serve with toast.
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